Calvary Cares

Calvary Cares is how we identify our Local Missions. We have several service opportunities!

Our Mission

“But when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power and will tell people about me everywhere-in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8 NLT

We are called to GO with the message of Jesus Christ. At Calvary Church, we GO both globally and locally.

Our "Jerusalem" is Annandale/Fairfax/Metro DC, the areas local to us.  We are called to make our first mission field our home mission field. Missions' starts at home in our families, our neighborhoods, on our jobs, and in our schools. Our church’s geographic mission field is within a five-mile radius of where we are located. To accomplish this, we partner with local schools and local non-profits to help be the hands and feet of Jesus and share the message of the gospel with our neighbors. As a local church, it is our joy to engage our community and create a place where all feel welcomed and loved.

Our "Samaria" is the regions and states around us. Through the Church of the Nazarene, we participate in Work & Witness Trips, Crisis Care Kits.

Our "ends of the earth" is the globe. We seek to go global with the message of Jesus Christ. This call to missions is achieved as we give and go to the ends of the world. Our local Nazarene Missions International (NMI) ministry helps us stay connected to our global mission efforts through monthly meetings, opportunities to support missionaries through Faith Promise (our annual pledge towards missions), and yearly mission trips. 

Our Local Outreach Partners

International Friends

IF is a ministry that caters to the needs of International Students in NOVA college, helping them to get plugged into the community and ministering to their spiritual needs as well.

Bethany House

Bethany House is a shelter and resource for women and children experiencing crisis transitions.

Annandale Christian Coalition for Action

ACCA provides early childhood care and education, food, rental assistance, furniture, and other services to low-income families in the Annandale/Bailey's Crossroads area.

Hypothermia Prevention Program

This unique partnership between Fairfax County, non-profits, and houses of faith provides a dinner and warm bed for people who would otherwise be out in the cold.

Second Story

This organization has multiple programs including housing assistance, counseling, life skills support, tutoring, and respite stays for at-risk youth.

Local Schools and Families

Over the past few years, we have been blessed to come alongside the schools in our community to help families who are in need. Whether we serve food, provide clothing and jackets, or take time to appreciate the staff - we love to come alongside and help!