
Calvary Church Elections

2024-2025 Church Elections

If you are a member of Calvary Church we invite you to submit your ballot as we elect our 2024-2025 Calvary Church Leadership Board, NMI (Missions) President, NDI (Discipleship) Superintendent, District Assembly Delegates, NMI Delegates, along with alternates for each position.

The ballot is electronic and will open on Sunday, March 3rd following our service. The ballot will close the following week Sunday, March 10th at 1 pm.

All individuals on the ballot were selected by a nominating committee and have given their blessing to allow their name to run.

If you have questions about the ballot, please see below:

Leadership Board: The leadership board is elected annually. The top three in votes will be elected to serve during the 2024-2025 Church calendar year. They will also have the option to remain on and serve an additional year should they choose. If they do not elect to serve a second year, that position will open up and will be filled in the '25-'26 election.

Currently, the Board consists of the Pastor and those serving a second term (See Below)

Pastor Matt

Tom Rose

Brenda Dillman

Phil Boughton

NMI President: The NMI president is our Missions president. They work with a council to oversee the mission efforts at Calvary. They are not limited to but include Mission trips facilitated by the church, Alabaster, World Miss Broadcast, and Faith Promise offerings. They help select delegates and alternates to serve at the District Assembly. This position also holds a place on the Leadership Board.

We currently only have 1 individual running in this category, making this a yes/no vote. The candidate will be elected by majority.

NDI Superintendent: The NDI Superintendent helps oversee the discipleship efforts at Calvary Church. They would work directly with the Pastor and provide oversight to the board. They will also coordinate and support with our other discipleship leaders.

We currently only have 1 individual running in this category, making this a yes/no vote. The candidate will be elected by majority.

District Assembly Delegates: These individuals will represent Calvary Church at the District Assembly this summer. They will vote on District-wide matters and participate in District-wide elections.

NMI Assembly Delegates: These individuals will represent Calvary Church at the District Assembly this summer. They will vote on all NMI (Missions) matters and participate in NMI (Missions) elections.

To access the ballot, please click the button below.

IMPORTANT: Please know all individuals are required to submit their names. This will allow us to confirm Calvary Church Membership. If multiple ballots are put forward under the same name, all ballots carrying that name will be disqualified.